Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Looking back at today, it's another not so fruitful attempt at meditating. Sigh. I haven't meditated for a very long time. Now that I have the time, I decide to meditate daily if possible. It's like trying to do 50 situps in a minute after you haven't done it for a year.

This time, the meditation was indeed interesting, may be not this time. This had happened for some times.Maybe in the past. When I meditate, I felt mini tremors in my leg which are not visible to the naked eyes. According to some masters, it is a sign of progress, but I wonder if it is true. Yet again, I couldn't sit still after 15 minutes into meditation. Not something surprising because of the numbness you have to overcome when you sit motionless for sometimes. I hope the time of endurance could be lengthened. But anyway, I felt a bit better after the meditation. Not because of relief from the numb, but you just feel better generally.

Anyway, getting into the main topic for this post. It's really hard to find a friend who understands you very well and also display unparallel loyalty and honesty . It's very rare to meet a friend who truely understand you because not everyone could understand each other, even with pictoral aids or aid of language or an understanding of the other parties' behaviours.

Even an empath is no better than two friends who bond together as though they are one individual only.

Why? So what if an empath could feel the other party's feelings, but he/she might not understand the two friends because something like these could be so profound that it's beyond words, beyond language,beyond pictures and beyond feelings. It's beyond this worldly feelings.

So what am I trying to say? It's hard to meet such a friend where both of you could bond very well, as though you two were actually one person. It's really rare on earth.

I have a very very close and yet good friend but there's something that's hard for me to tell him. Both of us haven't reach a state where we become one individual. This is to show how rare such friendship where two individuals could "merge" into one could occur. Though such friendship is rare, but it still does occur.

Chinese call these bosom friends " Zhi ji" , which "Zhi" means know and "ji" means yourself. It means that two friends know each other so well that as though He becomes me and I become him.

Such " Zhi ji" should be well treated and hopefully, such friendships are able to survive forever.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


I am currently having my End of Year exams in my tertiary school. Not really easy and neither too difficult. Tomorrow is my last paper. Hopefully it would be easy.

Now I have managed to find some time to update my blog while I am taking a break from my studies.

In many religions, cultures and beliefs, there are many legends and beliefs that state that all of us have a core, which is our soul.

At the moment of death(physical), the soul would unbind itself from the physical body . There are sayings in ancient cultures which state that although we are dead physically, our souls live on. Death is only a process where the soul releases itself from the mundane world to continue it's journey in life. Some beliefs said that the spirit would go to heaven or hell. Some beliefs state that the soul would become immortal and some said that the soul would reincarnate.

Either ways, it seemed like many cultures agree that our souls have survived from countless aeons of reincarnations and rebirths. Past life regression therapies have proven life after death and reincarnation and rebirth.

As we move on the seemingly endless path in life, reincarnating and having rebirth, the soul seemed to be wondering throughout the countless aeons of survival and the countless millions of times of rebirths and reincarnation. Many souls seemed to try to find that something. That something which would give them truth ,final bliss and reason which would explain all these endless hardship, happiness, sorrow, joy, life,death, rebirth, reincarnation...etc.

Many souls have that in their agender to find that special something which could terminate their miseries and sorrow, and maybe even joy and happiness. But many times, the soul have wondered off track many times. Rebirth upon rebirth , that agender was fresh in the mind of an innocent infant, but as life goes on, the agender was / is and will be lost. They would hanker after greed, riches, material comfort. They would loss track in their lifes.

When a tiny whisper of words from within the heart emerge, advising them with useful advise, many would shove it aside and pretend not to hear it. Some would even scorn it and label that voice without much further investigations and become skeptics.

So long have the soul been searching for that special something, which seems to be so near and yet so far too.That something that is the end of all things and also the beginnings.

Many mystics , hermits, and spiritual people have mentioned about that special something, and many have agree that that special something is the goal of all souls. The final destination and also the opportunity to break out of the seemingly endless cycles of rebirth, life and death.

This article is to stimulate readers to sit down and reponder about life. It's to aid and prompt reader to look at life again, and decide what you want at the end of the tunnel. This article is also to help readers rethink about all that is going on in life, before, after, present, past and future.

Calm the mind , enter the vast stillness within. That's a piece of that special something that the soul have been trying to find. But that's only one piece.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Special Friends

Looking back at the years past and of now, I have a small group of friends but as we move on, we lost contact. Only a handful of friends remained .

I have this friend , who is 5 years younger than me. He's currently in his adolescents age and I have just pass my teenage years and have become an adult myself. Though he is in his adolescent period, he always radiate a cute and childish feeling with also a perfect blend of mature feeling. He's just a perfect blend between mature (physically and mentally) and his childish and cuteness(mentally). He's no doubt my best friend and also one of the closest friends I ever have. We have been friends for more than a decade and still remain as friends till now. I am lucky to have such a loyal and close friend.

I also have a classmate who is the same age as me, just legally became adults. He seem to always radiate this cute feeling and this cheerfulness and childish attitude and mood which is similar to my best friend whom I mentioned earlier. They seem to have within them "The Essence of Pure Youthfulness" .Why I said so ? Because of the feeling, their cheerfulness, childish yet well mixed with matured attitude and their "cuteness" which is indescrible . It seems that some sort of energy is within these two of them that kept them so cheerful,cute and yet a well mixed mixture of maturedness is wihin the two of them, keeping them going.

I hope that their "Essences" could keep them going further when they meet any difficulties in life, and hopfully, they could use these "Essences" to help others who are meeting difficulties too.

15 Feb 2006

Well, it's said that humans and their bodies adapt very quickly to their environment.That's true. You can see that humans have went to the extreme of adapting desert lifestyle.

My point for today is not totally about adpataions but it's partilly about adaptation. I am not really good in sports nor in exercises but I decided to take some basic exercises to strengthen my body and improve my not so good health.

I notice that when I did a number of push ups ( not single digits...I am not so weak to do single digits) , there is obviously some difficulties. I haven't been exercising for some times to be honest. Being weighted dowm by work and exams.

After the first not so successful round of push ups, I decided to look for some techniques. While I was sitting down, I thought of a theory, since humans and their body adapts very quickly, then why not do a second round of push up. I went down another round and added three more . To my surprise , the motion went more smoothly. I am not sure if I am right but I felt lesser resistance. I thought of exploiting this adaptation to create a set of exercises .

My theory goes that you go and do a set of exercise. Not too many till you fall. Just nice amount. Then rest and walk around and do other things . Drink some water. After 10 to 15 minutes, go down again and do the push ups. Try to add around 2 to 3 more push ups to your set. So slowly , you increase your number of push ups in one day quite quickly.

Do around two to four times of this theortical routine or unless until you think you need a rest or a stop.

Do not do some much till you feel uncomfortable or get injuried.

This is only an expeimental theory . I wouldn't be responsible if anything go wrong. Carry this experiment at your own risk.