Friday, December 07, 2007

Earth's Healing Progress

I personally felt that efforts trying to go green is too late for trying to reverse the adverse global environmental. It took humans so long to understand and become aware and even longer to get moving to go green. Going green is reducing...not cleaning up the mess. So the original mess still exist and even if a little bit more is is as good as mess still existing. I think that we are on a road to irreversible 'destruction' and sooner or later , Mother Earth would have to hit the 'Clean Myself Up' button and launch some nasty catastrophic disasters to wipe clean. It's like having a sneeze to remove the dust in the nose and we are the dust and the sneeze is to clean up civilization from the surface of Earth. I felt that Mother Earth would not spare anyone when cleaning since she has little feelings to us and we have been treating her badly.

Sooner or later...destruction of humanity would come from the very hands of our ambitions or from Mother Nature.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Another of my rants... Upgrading yourself.

Currently is the cold / flu and cough season in my region and it's an irritating thing where many people around you fall sick. I thought it would be good to do an energy and body upgrade for my energy and body so that my body woould be more tolerant to all these nasty colds and cough and my energy would be stronger which helps to resist the energy of such irritating colds and cough.

There are many ways to receive upgrades for one's energy and body and one of the simplest way is to request from your inner self for some upgrades and feel with your intuition on what you should do whether you should just let the upgrades run on it's own or do you need to help in the process.It sounds simple but to be able to request some upgrades and rely on one's intuition to know what to do for the process of the upgrades is not as easy as one might think because many people would misinterpret usual thoughts as intuitions and their skeptism and not willing to let go and approach the inner self gets in their way. You may want to specify your upgrades or leave it generic but with some abstract 'wish list'. I personally do generic upgrades and let my inner self decide what upgrades to give since the inner self knows best what I need but sometimes I do pass some abstract 'wish list' to the inner self to get certain upgrades. Specific upgrades are not usually used because you may not really know what you truely need...unless you know what you are doing and your intuition is sharp to guide you well.

Most of my upgrades requires me to sit back and relax and some requires me to lightly focus on the generic 'wish list' or lightly focus and remind myself that I am taking an upgrade. Some of my uupgrades require me to totally relax and let the inner self take over the decision making.

After the upgrades I have taken till now, I personally felt an improvement in my energy, understanding / knowing, attitude/character... etc.

Do not expect dramatic results or anything. Most upgrades just 'silently happens' and most likely you don't feel anything but it's set inside you already.