Saturday, December 25, 2010

Justice League of America

So MasterCard now wants to play 'Justice League of America' by controlling the acceptance of payments from whom they see fit because of their client's activities ?

When you have customers and you want to close accounts and choose who to serve because of the sites they host or what they do or simply pressured from some diplomats or politicians without a valid court order or warrant, then NO ONE WOULD EVER DO BUSINESS WITH YOU !!!

It's back to the good old days of cash and gold bars. It guarantees that your money would not be shut down cold and the value would still be valid (in the case for gold bars).

It would be good if more people shun these bias services like MasterCard, PayPal, Visa ... with the simple reason that they would love to limit you, control you, kick you and reveal your data to others.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cablegate News

This is another good video made by The Juice Media's Rap News production. It's about the Cablegate leaks even done in a rapping and news reporting style. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Ugly Sides

Because of the issues surrounding Wikileaks and Julian Assange, the ugly side of the US have been exposed... where people who believe in freedom, peace and extinction of tortures and kidnapping and CIA killings and all these violence, turn around and advocate the torture, capture, kidnapping, killings, assassinations and other violence the US supposedly stood against. 

The ugly side have emerged.... and showed us the hypocrites.

Failed Australian Government

If the Australian Government could not handle the stress from the hypocritical Big Brother and gave into demand of the government of the US and not properly protect it's Australian citizen - Julian Assange, the cabinet of Ministers should deserve to be kicked from their posts and the prime minister be replaced.

Why do I say so ? If the Government of Australian couldn't even protect an Australian citizen, how could it protect the entire Australia and all it's citizens and environment and ensure it's safety, peace and prosperity ?

Australia would simply be a walk over where other nations could simply trample over Australia and make audacious demands and defile itself and it's citizens.

The Government of Australia must protect Julian Assange else risk losing trust from it's people and the unhappiness of the people would ensue, making the Australian Government fully accountable to explain to the people for it's lack of protection for a citizen of Australia.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


As we all know, Obama have failed his presidential elections promise to bring peace and an open and accountable US government - thus winning him the election.

Now, he has failed his promises and many Americans are still jobless and the World is still in a mess.

His government and himself have attempted to gag the freedom of speech and to destroy investigation journalism and accountability of government by hunting down Julian Assange and Wikileaks like a mad dog that has been infected with disease. 

Keep Wikileaks and Assange STRONG !!!

Official Wikileaks Archive Torrents:
My version of Wikileaks Archive Torrents: (To reduce load on Wikileaks servers)



Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Leaks & the USA

Following is quoted from the above site and it's an interesting food for thought...

Some of the interesting tweets:

“All the censoring of WikiLeaks is more alarming than the actual content of the leaks. It only further justifies WL’s actions.”

“It's not wrong to lie, cheat, steal, corrupt, and torture. It's wrong to let people know about it.”

“We elect Governments, not to dictate our freedoms, but to support our liberty. They serve us, we do not serve them.”
“My Swedish girlfriend cannot do LIKE Wikileaks on Facebook. It's been removed shortly after added. Social censorship is coming!”

Interesting to ask yourself, why is the US so overly concerned when the Cablegate is published to the point of obsessive paranoia ? Now, the truth is that the leaks are out, and there is no way to stop it considering the vastness of the internet unless you disconnect all the underwater cables and knock off all the satellites in orbit, then could you really disable much of the information flow. The leaks are out, now, there's no way to change history anymore. If USA wants to be respected, accept the mistakes (like spying on UN officials and whatever that is in the Cablegate leaks) and explain and officially apologize rather then being overly obsessed with Assange and Wikileaks. In fact they did a rather good job by letting the world know the true faces of Big Brother America with evidence from Cablegates.

You see, when a person is smack by the Truth, he would scramble to try to take out the messenger and thinking it would destroy the Truth, but the Truth has always been out there. What Wikileaks do is make it convenient for people to collect evidence and Truth. The guilty party (United States of America) would scramble all over confusing heads or tails, attempting so hard to hinder the Truth. You can take out Wikileaks or Assange, but never the Truth. It is always there to haunt the sinners (whoever that maybe in a general statement) forever.

United States of America, please do the right thing and apologise for the unlawful treatment of UN officials and accept international punishment. You are not always correct and good, and accept criticism as others criticize you. don't be like a kid who would go and bully those who point out your errors.

United States of America, your freedom is now just papers (some old ink and parchment in museum). The freedom you have always been so proud of have become hypocrisy, controlled state, a joke of the world. Your freedom you proclaimed, do not exists anymore !

 Wake up before it's too late !