Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rap News 7 - Food for thought


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Food for thought - what is happening to the world as it sinks into constant revolution ? What are people's goals and dreams, truely ? What would be the future after revolutions ?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Head shot

Interesting question Assange asked Julia Gillard.

US Govt should stop embarrassing itself further

Stop embarrassing yourself further, USA. The people of the USA should actively ensure their governments are not embarrassing them as a nation and government.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hekate's prayer to banish little people

I feel the unjust of the humans,
Subjected to the shit of others.
I feel sick of unjust for them,
Why do they need to face shit.

Those with power, they sit mighty on their thrones,
Unwilling to stoop low, and feel the sorrows.
Talk tales and nice visions they can create,
To blind and fool the minds of those they seek to control.

While those whom slave hard,
They seek only the rewards to themselves,
Robbing the rewards those who had slaved for,
Right into the hands of those hypocritical craps.

Only can those idiots see money and numbers,
The rest of the human race and the species of Mother Earth,
their numbers and figures as slaves.

Raise be the hand of the Goddess,
And smite hard against these wasted lowlifes.
Smite them hard, Oh Goddess,
May they feel the same sorrow of those whom they seek control,
And the anguish of whom they have caused.

Hekas, Hekas, Este Bebeloi.
Send them afar their greed and sorrow.

Great Goddess, smite these ignorant fools.
Bring back peace to this lost world's hope.

Hekas, Hekas, Este Bebeloi.
From near, now drag them out of the surfaces of the world.

Great Goddess, a plenty's bringth forth,
And renew the fertile Earth.

Restore the abundance once more to these dried land.
Renew the life and the hope.

Soothe the anguish and cure the hopeless and sick.
Rid the world of the cruel and the miserly.
Hekate, Hekate, Hekate.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Parents know "Everything"

I stumbled upon this article while researching on relationships and this got my attention right away.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Jumping the gun on Realization

The mind of most sentient beings are eager to strive to understand Emptiness but it needs to be attained and achieved in the appropriate  manner for each individual.

Some people could immediately take a big step out and actualize and realize the concepts of Emptiness and liberating themselves from Form or Non-Form.

But this is not the case for most sentient being. Most sentient being would begin with a Form to represent the Non-Form (using images of realized beings) and gradually progress to the understanding of the Emptiness using a Form as a representation. And when a sentient being have rise to the state of not needing an image or a symbol to represent the Form of Emptiness, the being have entered into a state of Non-Form where there is no need for symbolism.

Some people attempt to discount the Form and usage of Form to aid themselves in realization of the Non-Form and gradually into the state of Non-dual Emptiness . This is not a very wholesome and good practise.

My advise would be to focus on a Form and then move into the Non-Form.