Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The only Evil

The only evil is not that devil or his demons and ghosts but is Ignorance.Through ignorance , mistakes and follies are committed. All crime are born out of ignorance in a certain way. I can't elaborate all of he ways but I can elaborate one which is so common. It is lying. How many of you have not lied. Everyone sure is going to lie somehow. We aare asked a question and when we are ignorant t the consequences, we lie in the case of the example. Anyway, we find somethings to be our scapegoat like th devil to take the blames of our misfortune and mistakes but why not consider again, look at the situaion, most fault originates from ourselves, ignorance in one matter can cause great errors.Stop blaming others for the root of misfortune mostly originates from ourselves and the greatest evil and one evil is indeed our ignorance of matters.

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