Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Sigh, another day when my parents "PMS" and have mood swings. They start to rant and scold with the least irritations. I wonder what they are thinking about.

Any way, I had a few intuition popping up in my head and yet I disobey them time and again.

Many times, I wish I could activate my intuition consciously and yet it didn't work. But when intuition comes suddenly, I doubt them and seldom obey them.

If I had obeyed all my intuition and instincts, I wouldn't have to go through so much mistakes.

I have meditated for quite a few years but not really solid type.At least I have foundation. So more or less, I have developed the ability to allow intuition to occur,and also develop the ability to sense things like people approaching and energy which are the by product of meditation .

To generalize, developing intuition and sensing abiliteis are just the byproducts of meditation .

Well, I wouldn't want to old much grudge. Maybe I should let it go and just let it be.

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