Monday, April 30, 2007

'The Essence of Youth' ?

I have written about the 'Essence of Youth' in a past post that I posted here . Click HERE to read about that article .

I contemplated on what the 'Essence of Youth' is and I think I have found the answer . The answer , to me , is Innocence . Innocence , always produce this youthful feeling ....somehow ignorant to the harsh and unforgiving world 'outside' .

I felt that we all have this pure 'Essence of Youth' in us . It's only that we did not know that it is still in our heart . Our True Nature , our Buddha Nature ... is always there .... right in our heart of our being . Our purity is always untainted in essence .. but it's our disillusioned and attached perception that discriminate between pure and impure... dirty and clean , finite and infinite , true and false , good and bad , permanent and impermanent .

So , now you know about my view of the 'Essence of Youth' . Do sit in contemplation and contemplate about what life means to you ... and what life is about . Who are you ? Where is your origin ? Why are you here ?

If you can answer these questions , you have already been self-realized .

My Way of Healing

Besides from meditation , I do know some simple ways of healing with energy and some Buddhist mantras that have healing qualities . Recently , I have a close friend whom I know for seven years and his mum had developed a certain kind of cancer . At first , the cancer was handled but the cancer had a relapsed . My friend came to me and asked me to heal her mum . Just in case someone might ask if she did consult a doctor or any modern medical treatment ...yes , she did and she is currently still undergoing modern medicine treatment .

My energy healing is considered as a supplimentary help . I would light a candle for her and chant some Buddhist mantras like the Medicine Buddha Mantra Heart Mantra , the Usnisa Vujaya Mantra Heart Mantra ... and other mantra and forward the merits of the chanting to her so she would have a good dose of good karma . I would send healing energy to cleanse her and I would locate the spirit entityor spirit fragment embbedded in her (if any) and remove it if possible .

Currently , I am still healing her . I hope that the healing would be a success and she would be well again .

Some of you may scoff and say :" Wake up from your own self-induced delusions ... " or something alike . All I can say is that I am doing what I can , and chip in some of my efforts to make her better and this is MY way of wishing her well ... by using what I know to help her . If there are those who want to scoff or deny , it's their own will and their own choice . I have my own ways and belief do you ...

I don't think you want people to force you or try to sway your will...

Anyway , the essence is , we all have our ways to help others and our own rights to help others as long as we don't hurt them .

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moving in two directions

I personally practise two kinds of spirituality . The first kind is the spirituality which you seek for the True Nature of the Mind and such a spirituality would be considered 'High Up' because you are seeking for that truth within . It is like as though I am climbing a ladder up wards to the True Nature . It is hard to put in words and as you observed from the way my words and sentences are phrased , I am really having a hard time bringing spirituality to mere human language . In short , when I seek the Nature of the Mind , I am climbing a ladder upwards .

The second type of spirituality I am practising is the Earth based spirituality . In common words, it is called Paganism . It helps to get one connected to Earth and that's why , it's called Earth Based . By practising Earth - based Paganism , you become closer in relation with Mother Earth . Practising Paganism in short , brings me grounded to Earth .

The more I practise the first kind of spirituality , which is finding my True Nature , the more I would be drawn downwards to the Earth . I hope you get the picture . I am trying to mean that , the more I go upwards to find my true nature ,the more I would yearn to be drawn back to the ground and the Earth to be grounded .

So what's the evidence of such a feeling to show that the more I seek my true nature , the more I am drawn down the ladder from mid heaven to the Earth ? Currently , my mind and heart could enter into the Void / Emptiness in meditation . Since I am moving closer to understanding the true nature , the more I want to be grounded . I feel like I want to go to a bank of a small , calm stream in a lonely woods and sit by the banks and observe nature and let myself be one with the Earth . Although I understand that all things are illusions and I should learn to be detached , my heart yearns to sink down to Earth and be close to Mother Earth .

The first spirituality option of climbing up the ladder allows me to work with energy with just pure thoughts and willpower and without the need of any tools or conventional restrain , but as my heart yearns for the Earth , I couldn't help but my heart still yearn to use tools from nature , like crystals and herbs ... to do workings of energy .

I would like to clarify about certain words above , before I end today's post . I do not mean that Paganism or Earth - based practises are 'Lowly' , just in case there's misunderstanding , and I don't mean that using tools shows that a person is weak or dependent . I do use some tools like mantras and paper talismans . I mean no offense for those who love Earth - based practises and those who love to use rituals and tools that these are lowly . No , these practises of Earth - based or the using of tools , especially from nature , are not lowly . In fact , I respect the use of these tools of nature and such Earth -based practise and I thought it is also pretty noble . And yes , I too occassionally use Earth - based practises and natural tools like water and herbals and stuff like these too in my practise ... and don't forget I mentioned above, my heart still yearns for the Earth ... lol ..

In the current state , whenever I move a up the ladder , my heart would yearn for the Earth. Even the simple practises of the Earth can be pretty impressive and powerful ...

I am moving upwards and downwards both directions ... As below ...

* Blessings *

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

There and Back again ...

Well , I have been busy with an entire of 2006. I an back with my bloggings . I have been keeping up with my daily meditations last year and I the effects I have are improved intuition . It doesn't mean that I know everything with heightened intuition . Ihavealso been practising mantra chanting almost daily since the start of last month and I feel the calming effects of the mantras .

For those who do not know much about me , I would just put myself in a simple term. A contemplative person . And as you can see , I am very interested in meditation and mantra chanting . Some may call it a Hippie practises . Well , these are more profound practises because if you have entered into the deep depths of silent meditation , you would understand how it feels . It is not the New Age Hippie Love for All and Free for all stuff . It is much more profound which is unexplainable in written languages. You have to try the meditations to experience the profound experiences of the Inner Self and the Nature of ourselves .

About the mantra chantings . Some would picture a person reciting incantations . It is partially correct but hey , it's a stereotypical view and stereotypical views can cause mental fixation to concepts which does not allow the mental mind of the person to become flexible . Mantras have profound effect on the Mind , Body and Spirit of the person . It is neither good mantra nor harmful . It is the intent of the user that drives the mantra . I may put up a post on how mantras can affect us .

But back topic of me returning to blog. It has been a long time . I hope I can blog often ... but I am not sure about that .