Sunday, November 11, 2007

Light and Dark ?

So you think the bright shining light or that infinite abyss of darkness is really light or really darkness ? Well , if your answer is yes , you are very much deluded . That light that you see ... all those comfy , healing , lovely , anti-darkness , anti-evil ...etc light which you see and know from all those movies , books , games , occult stuff are not even real light. Light workers and energy workers who keep refering to light and stuff like that are just interacting with a psuedo light and makes people all that hippie and lovely about it.

(P.S. if you are those "Evil" or "Satan" or "Dark" people , don't get too happy when i comment about those light people... I am gonna comment about you too.)

Those darkness you think you have expressed, those infinite abyss and whatsoever kind of stuff ... those are also psuedo darkness . Real darkness isn't like that. If you come in contact with real darkness , it is far lot more than those abyss or void , you would feel a very very different feeling far more different than the usual psuedo darkness. Thinking that pleasing some dark gods or whatsoever would get you more dark powers or more contact with darkness... wishful thinking. It's far lot further.

In fact ,the more you dwell and hold onto the psuedo light and darkness , the further you are from the real light and darkness ...but again , real light and darkness is there and not there, so it cannot be considered there or not there. Zen-like statement ? If you can understand the above , you would have known the nature of true darkness and light....then when and what's the need fro all those dark works or light works ? You wouldn't even bother about any of such works anymore.

1 comment:

SatSetsaRA said...

You are straight and to the point, do you know many people like to argue this garbage insessantly all the time?