Friday, December 07, 2007

Earth's Healing Progress

I personally felt that efforts trying to go green is too late for trying to reverse the adverse global environmental. It took humans so long to understand and become aware and even longer to get moving to go green. Going green is reducing...not cleaning up the mess. So the original mess still exist and even if a little bit more is is as good as mess still existing. I think that we are on a road to irreversible 'destruction' and sooner or later , Mother Earth would have to hit the 'Clean Myself Up' button and launch some nasty catastrophic disasters to wipe clean. It's like having a sneeze to remove the dust in the nose and we are the dust and the sneeze is to clean up civilization from the surface of Earth. I felt that Mother Earth would not spare anyone when cleaning since she has little feelings to us and we have been treating her badly.

Sooner or later...destruction of humanity would come from the very hands of our ambitions or from Mother Nature.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Another of my rants... Upgrading yourself.

Currently is the cold / flu and cough season in my region and it's an irritating thing where many people around you fall sick. I thought it would be good to do an energy and body upgrade for my energy and body so that my body woould be more tolerant to all these nasty colds and cough and my energy would be stronger which helps to resist the energy of such irritating colds and cough.

There are many ways to receive upgrades for one's energy and body and one of the simplest way is to request from your inner self for some upgrades and feel with your intuition on what you should do whether you should just let the upgrades run on it's own or do you need to help in the process.It sounds simple but to be able to request some upgrades and rely on one's intuition to know what to do for the process of the upgrades is not as easy as one might think because many people would misinterpret usual thoughts as intuitions and their skeptism and not willing to let go and approach the inner self gets in their way. You may want to specify your upgrades or leave it generic but with some abstract 'wish list'. I personally do generic upgrades and let my inner self decide what upgrades to give since the inner self knows best what I need but sometimes I do pass some abstract 'wish list' to the inner self to get certain upgrades. Specific upgrades are not usually used because you may not really know what you truely need...unless you know what you are doing and your intuition is sharp to guide you well.

Most of my upgrades requires me to sit back and relax and some requires me to lightly focus on the generic 'wish list' or lightly focus and remind myself that I am taking an upgrade. Some of my uupgrades require me to totally relax and let the inner self take over the decision making.

After the upgrades I have taken till now, I personally felt an improvement in my energy, understanding / knowing, attitude/character... etc.

Do not expect dramatic results or anything. Most upgrades just 'silently happens' and most likely you don't feel anything but it's set inside you already.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Light and Dark ?

So you think the bright shining light or that infinite abyss of darkness is really light or really darkness ? Well , if your answer is yes , you are very much deluded . That light that you see ... all those comfy , healing , lovely , anti-darkness , anti-evil ...etc light which you see and know from all those movies , books , games , occult stuff are not even real light. Light workers and energy workers who keep refering to light and stuff like that are just interacting with a psuedo light and makes people all that hippie and lovely about it.

(P.S. if you are those "Evil" or "Satan" or "Dark" people , don't get too happy when i comment about those light people... I am gonna comment about you too.)

Those darkness you think you have expressed, those infinite abyss and whatsoever kind of stuff ... those are also psuedo darkness . Real darkness isn't like that. If you come in contact with real darkness , it is far lot more than those abyss or void , you would feel a very very different feeling far more different than the usual psuedo darkness. Thinking that pleasing some dark gods or whatsoever would get you more dark powers or more contact with darkness... wishful thinking. It's far lot further.

In fact ,the more you dwell and hold onto the psuedo light and darkness , the further you are from the real light and darkness ...but again , real light and darkness is there and not there, so it cannot be considered there or not there. Zen-like statement ? If you can understand the above , you would have known the nature of true darkness and light....then when and what's the need fro all those dark works or light works ? You wouldn't even bother about any of such works anymore.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

just a thought about so called 'goodness'

I was pondering over what is 'Goodness' and I recalled some events where the so called 'righteous' and 'good' are plain hypocrites who just uses the name of 'Goodness' and 'Righteous' to operate and achieve their underhanded agenda.

One of them was an ex-friend who claimed that he was 'righteous' but his actions and behavious are inverse and tried to subjugate me to follow his path of believe claiming that i am evil. Ah well...that's overly ridiculous and I broke up friendship with him since he's getting more irritating and after that , according to my friends , he has been gossiping and spreading defaming words about me. Well...all these happened 3 to 4 years ago.

So, readers beware , those who claim 'righteous' or 'good' maybe one of the greatest liars and hypocrites in the world of humans.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My view on vegan and vegetarian practise

The amount of vegans and vegetarians have been growing as the years pass. Some vegans and vegetarians restrict their diets for health reasons or for a healthy lifestyle which it has claimed to work. There are also vegans and vegetarians who restrict their diets for religious practises. Some occult , newage or magickal traditions practise vegan or vegetarianism in order not to kill lifes and also to collect good karma .

I personally felt that as long as you live, you are sure to kill something. The bacterials in the air when you breathe in, when you walk, you may accidentally kill some small insects and even microscopic organism. When you drink water, you kill the micro organism in the water. When you sit, you are also killing micro organism on the chair. Whatever you do, you kill something.

Vegetables contain living organism and vegetable has life of it's own that's why it can grow and some experiements have proven that plants and vegetables have the ability to feel emotions. In order to harvest a vegetable or to plan it, many insects are killed when the plough hits the grow or when insecticides are used. Forest have to be cleared for land to plant the vegetables and animals maybe killed in the process of clearing the forest to make farming lands. Flour are made from plants like rice and these plants, as I have mentioned above, can grow and can feel. Plants thus have consciousness in short and the ability to live. Isn't eating vegetables or plants as good as killing animals ? I personally felt that there's no difference between vegans or vegetarians or those who eat meat. They still kill, which they have always been trying to avoid. If you don't want to kill, then it's as good as not existing on Earth because existing means that you have to eat at certain time, you have to walk and drink which kills organism ... and many more examples too long to be listed here.

I personally don't see why there are rules for vegans or vegetarianism when it's also killing ? Does vegetarian diet really bring that "purity" which have been promised in religions or occult or magickal practises ?

I felt that such practises are for comforting the mind and only that.

This is my personal view of vegans and vegetarians in religious or occult or magickal practises.

This post DOES NOT seek to offend or insult any religious organizations, cult groups, magickal practises or vegans or vegetarians in any way other than me trying to express my view.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Wandering Hermit

This is a poem I just thought of and I try to take as much out from my heart and put them into this poem. This is the first draft I penned down.

I wander past without a goal,
Carefree from the wordly affairs.
My own dreams, my own thoughts,
Beneath the clouds, I dream.

Without a care for what others might think,
I sail the clouds and streams.
On my own path I walk despite what others might think.
This a pathless path I thread,
Without worries, without care.

A spirit who wander through the worlds and space,
through the realms and places.
No restrictions and hinderances.
Thus I am truely carefree ...

In depths of thoughts I contemplate,
Who truely knows my heart ?
Few truely knows my heart.
Alone, I wander freely on,
Thus, I am the wandering hermit ...

Friday, September 07, 2007

Contemplation on Lasting and Permanence

What is permanence ? What is lasting ? I think there are many of you who have contemplated on this issue. There are different depths of contemplation on lasting. Some contemplation is very shallow ... as I deep. Some are very deep contemplation. Some of you hear others or read about articles on lasting and permanence from someone else. Maybe an author, a friend, lecturers, philosophers, religious leaders ...etc. There are some who think deeper into the topic and there are some who just listen and think for a while to check if it is true and then accept it or there are those who merely accept it just because someone said it.

The passing clouds .... seperating and gathering...

Spring to Summer, Autumn to Winter ...

Life and Death , Death and Life ...

Maybe, our true nature is the one that last ?

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Here I am ...back from a long absence from blogging. I am not blogging for the previous months because I have two course projects and a Major Project to handle including a End of Semester exam. That's a lot of stuff to handle and it keeps me busy.

Now the exams and projects are all over and it's a one month or more holiday, I have sufficient time to rant here as and when I wish.

I think I have come out with a new idea for the programming and development communities out there on the internet. Why don't we create an IdeasBank ? It is a database of ideas for programming and development. There are people who run out of ideas on what to program and create and I am one of these people who goes out of idea at the wrong time. With an idea database, you can store inspiriations, ideas and suggestions when the ideas arises and when you need them, all you do is to login and refer and search them. Others can also read through your ideas and use your ideas you posted there if you want but you can also set conditions on who can use your ideas or some sort of access restrictions and terms and conditions on using the ideas so to prevent others from using your ideas if they happen to.

Hmmm...I think this idea is something worthy but I need to find some willing sponsors to sponsor a free web hosting together with a database hosting and Java servlets and JSP page hosting for free as I don't really have the financial resources to get any expansive hostings and the site should be protected from general intrusions and good security too.

I would rant more later :) ...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Earth Healing ?

Sadly to say , as everyone knows , our climates changes , Earth gets polluted by so many irresponsible people and environment change , destruction of animals , habitats ...etc...and in the end ....humans would become pulled into and the blow back would be very had on us . We created all these crap and yes...the blow back is going to be very very great and we are going to regret it ...

Some people think that healing the Earth or becoming aware of the environment now would be going to do the difference and changes and hope for the better. I personally feel that we have already long cross the line of no return and what we are currently doing is but a futile turn back when we have gone to the point where it's hard to return .

Ice caps melting warming increases extremely quickly , the once snowy Himalayas becoming black piles of rocks and soil and mounds....these signs have already been researched by scientists and activist long ago but only in recent years then did the warning start to be taken seriously. It took so long for us to notice all these warning but by the time we noticed's too late . Ice in the artic have already become water and how do you propose to freeze these excess water back to it's original ice so that there would be less water and to make it worse , the temperature is going up . So try freezing the ice back when the temperature is high . Nice try ...but way's just futile effort .

Well ...what I see of the next time is that Earth would send lots and lots of disasters to us and thus sallwoing us back and destroying us (which is exactly what it is doing right now) and in the process , reclaiming and also actually healing itself because when a disaster strike , the Earth is actually doing a self cleansing by removing the toxic away and reprocessing it . It may sound very cruel ... but aren't we more cruel to the Earth and other life forms ? Aren't we more selfish .

I am not advocating people to give up hope , but to understand what when wrong and quickly stop all these tortures to the Earth . She is in very great pain and when she is angry , her wraith is unstoppable . Maybe , healing the Earth combined with very quickly and swiftl stopping all these tortures to Her , would in the end reverse the process of destruction ? Let's not hope it happen ...but rather than hoping ...start doing NOW !

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Healing and Computers

I have noticed that many of us , when we return home , especially the teens , we would always switch on our PCs as our routine reaction when we enter our rooms . It seems that many of us have been addicted to the PC and we have to switch it on no matter if we have anything to do or not . How does healing come into the picture ? I have noticed that some people who know healing are quite addicted to the PC and they would forgo their practises to heal themselves even if they are a bit not well . Ok , this above scenario is not always applicable to everyone who knows how to use energy to heal , but to some specific people I shall not mention .

Such laziness is caused directly by the PC and so I would propose a plan where an individual should meditate and do their regular routine and have a break before using the PC or have some sort of a day or a period of time where they have some sort of a retreat from PC or have as little time spent on PC if possible and only use the PC if absolutely needed .

Firstly , this would encourage them to kick PC addiction and also save some power and bills in the process and next , they would be encouraged to uphold their routine of meditation and meditation during retreats like these are good since it makes up for all the rush meditation and times when meditation should be done by either it is not carried out or done half-way . Think of this as some sort of a patch up period for their spirituality and for them to sit down and contemplate . Also , the most important thing about the retreat is to give them that time needed in the hectic material world where the material distractions like the PC have managed to eat into their time for their own self-healing . Individuals should make use of this time of retreat to make-up for the time they need to rest and heal themselves and again , take it as a patch up time where they patch themselves and make up for the time they have missed when they should be repairing themselves .

So overall , the retreat is no other than self-repair and heal themselves and also for them to be more aware and increase their spirituality , give them time to work on their spirituality , for them to seek solace in the hectic life and to find tranquility and also for them to kick the habit of PC addiction and reliance on PC .

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Be like Gandalf: Mix with the Hobbits , Dwarves and Elves

So , by reading the title of this post , I guess some of you might catch my meaning and understand , and there are some who would not . What do I mean by 'Be like Gandalf: Mix with the Hobbits , Dwarves and Elves' ? To put into terms that everyone would understand , in the show , The Lord of the Rings , Gandalf is actually a high Spirit (some sort of high level being) , older than the Elves themselves and are the ones who took part in the shaping of the Middle Earth . If you read more about Gandalf , he's acually a Maiar spirit , a helper of the 'Deity' in the Lord of the Rings , Eru Illuvatar . So he is actually far more superior than the Elves themselves but he came down to the Middle Earth in the form of a Wizard and thus , his abilities are being restricted . Although he is a high being , he doesn't show that arrogance and say:" Hey , why should I stoop and help such lowly beings like those elves , hobbits and dwarves ? Why should I ever mix with these fellows and dance and sing and drink and merry make with them ?" He doesn't do that at all . Rather , he enjoy the company of the 'lowly beings' and make merry with them and drink and dance and enjoy .

So , what have all these to do with today's topic ? There are practitioners who have attained a high level of realization in their practise and I know some of them who would have that attitude like "Hmmmmm....why should I stoop low to these silly practise of these lame people ?" Yes , these are reality and saddly , I unfortunately know some practitioners who think overly too highly of themselves and not stoop for a while and enjoy .

So what if you have practice such potent practises and regard the mixing of herbs and potions as mere useless elixirs and the writing of charms as a limited way of magick and speaking of chants and mantras speaking foolish tongues whereas , they , can will power with a single thought and cause the Earth and the spirits to tremor at their powers . Well , sometimes the speaking of incantations , the making of charms , the mixing of herbals and potions , which are regarded lowly to these powerful practitioners , are sometimes , enjoyable and gets you in touch with the beings of the Earth . It's grounding to put it this way . I don't know , it's just a feeling that brings to mind the rainbows and the still lakes , the flowing streams and the night when the mooons are full . The thought of dancing fairies and elves and dwarves ...such enchantment and such sugar like sweetness and such earthliness . Just a thought .

It is such a wonder to be in touch with such .

(No offense of whatever is meant to anyone by this post.)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Unorthodox ?

Ok , what is orthodox methods of practise (energy work , religion , science , philosophy,medicine...) ? If you look at the so called orthodx approach , aren't these orthodx approach , after all ...just an approach to do something ...or maybe , just a more commonly used practised or so called , 'norm' ?

Orthodox is no more than just a label . So what's unorthodox then ? If orthodox is the 'correct' way , then unorthodox is the 'wrong' way ? Nope . It's the dogmatic mindset and the persistant , rigid and stubborness of our limited and unenlightened view that differentiates orthodoxy and herectics .

Essentially , all paths are just paths . There is no orthodxy or unorthodox ways in the beginning . It's when the limited mindset of people , trying to relate to things and events , this is where they start to classify things and start giving labels .

(I don't mean that doing harm to others is encouraged . Contrary , I strongly dislike and disagree on harming of others .)

Although I practise my energy work and spirituality by mixing my experience and what I know and learned together , seldom sticking around and just walking on the path I feel comfortable , many would regard as unorthodox . I would like to defer and say that ...I am just walking my own path ... and that's all .

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I personally know of some people , and I shall not name them ... and some of these people are closest to me , these people are hypocritical . On one hand , them advocate morals and values , and on the other hand , they themselves go against what they said and do things against their preachings and rantings .

Hypocrites can appear in any field ranging from office work to belief systems and even some New Age movements . I would not go further into belief systems as it is a touchy topic and I don't wish people getting hurt and I don't want to get into any trouble with anyone .

For people who are looking for masters teaching them in anything , and especially skills of meditation , magick , belief , energy work (including Reiki) ... I should say all fields , beware , there are many hypocrites and I have seen and read more than my fair share of such hypocrites , on one hand , they preach about this and that and on the other hand , they turn their backs and secretly engage in acts against what they had been preaching .

For now , I shall speak till here . I hope readers become more careful about such hypocritical person and are more aware of what's going on around them and not allow hypocrites to fool them .

Saturday, May 12, 2007

USB Thumbdrive - A Hassle and Trouble ?

Now a days , as technology improve , so does our devices . Thumbdrives have rapidly reduced in it's size and increased in it's capacity to hold data . Although our devices are getting compacted , it poses us some discomfort in a common way . The discomfort which is so common and so troublesome is the ever increasing cases where people lose their thumbdrives whether is it they plugged into a OC , turned around to do something and someone sneaked away with it , or whether is it a case where thumbdrives are so common and part of our lives and also , thumbdrives have become so small , that we forget to unplug it after work or school and left it behind . When we leave a thumbdrive behind , especially those branded type , it's a big attraction for those who want to steal it and sell for some profits , or who couldn't afford it ...or other cases .

We need a common solution so that such discomfort could be radiacally reduced . Here , I would propose some ideas and I hope some software programmers or companies ... or even large companies like Microsoft , Sun , Apple ... could do something to address this issues .

Let me first chip in some feasible ideas i thought of to improve the 'ugly' situation of losing thumbdrives .

  • Operating System makers like Microsoft could include a kind of a software in their plug and play feature which would scan the USB ports for storage device and alert the user before shutting down .
  • Operating System makers like Microsoft could also include a software in the USB Host , when someone right click on the USB and clicks on the 'Safely Remove Hardware' , after selecting the drive to be removed , a pop-up could remind the user to unplug the device with a voice .
  • A software could be written in the thumbdrive which could be always listening if it's going to be detach and would remind the user to remove the thumbdrive .

These are some of my suggestions . More could be done to prevent the lost of thumbdrives...although thumbdrives are getting cheaper ...but the personal data can be very valuable in it . No matter what software you write to guard the contents , there are always to by-pass it . It's best to prevent than to cure ... So , the prevention is to ensure people would not be so careless with their thumbdrives and to treat such a portable and handy device as a piece of themselves ... so they would not want to loose it again .

Friday, May 11, 2007

Python GUI

This morning , I have nothing much to do and I decide to explore how Python GUI wasw done . I had been using Python programming language for nearly half a year a year ago for my Operating System course . The Python language seems to be faster and easier than other languages as long as you know the concept and know the basic programming concepts . I have been doing Python and all the 'println' code which is the command prompt kind of input where you have to type your inputs in but this time , I wanted to learn the GUI format . It seems that I only took some research and some hands-on experiment and finally , I created a GUI version of a desktop URL browser launcher where you type in a url in the GUI console and click 'ok' and it opens a default browser and goes to the desired site .

Altogether it only took some what 1 hour to understand some basics and to create the web browser launher . It was some what pretty quick .

Anyway , that web launcher maybe upgraded to handle basic Google Search .

This is all I want to say for today . Blessings .

Monday, May 07, 2007


Our mind is the biggest critic . Few would deny it . What causes our emotions to enrage ? What causes us to hate or despise someone ? What makes us so critical of others and what they do ? It's all in our mind . Yes , the mind is the biggest culprit for criticism , but yet , if well harnessed , it can display much truth .

Take a time and try reading something you would be likely to critisize , from the beginning to the end of the article . Don't talk or think or process the data entering your mind . Just read it and be detach . When you have finish reading through the entrie article without critisizing , then start your mind and let it work . See what happens . You tend to see the bigger picture then you thought you knew while you were reading . It shows that many of us are blinded to what we see now , and not the whole picture , and when we see a fragment , we start to critisize .

Why do I post this up ? Because I see the need for myself and others to calm down , access the situation , before critisizing and discriminating .

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Inner Sanctum

Sitting on a flat piece of rock right in front of a small shallow lake which has the deepest depth of up to my shoulder . The water was extremely clear and I could see the pebbles at the bottom of the lake , even in the deepest part , so much light was shining through the water and the bed of the lake was brightly litted and was reflecting light . A breeze of wind blew pass the still surfaces of the lake , creating some small waves and ripples . Everything was quiet , but the wind . The breeze sweeping pass me , carried away my worries and thoughts . I am left still...silent and quiet in an endless void within me . The small hills that surrounds the lake are lush green with trees and forest and plains and fields . It is indeed a treasure .

This is my imaginery inner world .

Thursday, May 03, 2007

No Concept

According to Zen Buddhism , Hell and Heaven is but a single thought . The Hell and Heaven I refer to is not just the Hell and Heaven we see in religious books or scriptures , but Hell can be events like 911 , being backstabbed in your work or project ...any Hell like events to you . Heaven can also refer to visiting some remote island where you can enjoy your Holidays in peace ...etc .

From the above concept , I was wondering , what happened if a group of our ancestors strayed onto an island and developed into a unique race which even till this modern era , there isn't a single visit to them . They live a life where they aren't interfered by outsiders and on the island , everything is plentiful . There is no need to be wealthy since everything is provided by the jungle and is plenty and no one is short of anything . There is also very little concept of ownership... so it's more of a community then an individual and they have no concept of any whatso ever belief system .

Belief system first arises when Man need to find an explanation for natural events beyond their comprehension at their time and when they run into difficulties , they start to hav concepts of Belief system . What happen if this group of ancestors , still live in their own ways and their life were so comfortable and well supplied , they have nothing to be worried about and they have no concept of any belief at all . They just live life so comfortably , they have no concept of stealing , murder , sexual assaults and all the 'sins' in modern terms and since they have no 'sins' .. . they therefore have no such concepts of 'sins' .

Now , consider , what happen when they were to die or pass away , without any conception ...and they see death as a natural process . Would they go to Heaven or Hell ?

I would probably say that this lot of native people are very fortunate since they have such a peaceful life and are innocent to the concept of 'sins' , 'heaven' and 'hell' . I think they would neither go to Heaven nor Hell , since they don't even have a conept of Heaven or Hell . Maybe ... their spirits (I wonder if they have concepts of spirits) would just go to some alternate reality of their peaceful island where they can 'eternally' carry on the same lifestyle as they were alive .

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Auras of people with confidence

I have started to observe the energy fields or auras of people. I sublty noted that people who are confident , they have a kind of energy flow within them that seemed pretty strong and their energy is radiating out and beautiful . You can say these confident aura are pretty bright .

These brilliance can be seen throughout their aura but more still , if you observe their chakras or energy centers , their solar plexus chakra (right below the rib cage) , are pretty brilliant .

That's all for this post ... pretty short .

Monday, April 30, 2007

'The Essence of Youth' ?

I have written about the 'Essence of Youth' in a past post that I posted here . Click HERE to read about that article .

I contemplated on what the 'Essence of Youth' is and I think I have found the answer . The answer , to me , is Innocence . Innocence , always produce this youthful feeling ....somehow ignorant to the harsh and unforgiving world 'outside' .

I felt that we all have this pure 'Essence of Youth' in us . It's only that we did not know that it is still in our heart . Our True Nature , our Buddha Nature ... is always there .... right in our heart of our being . Our purity is always untainted in essence .. but it's our disillusioned and attached perception that discriminate between pure and impure... dirty and clean , finite and infinite , true and false , good and bad , permanent and impermanent .

So , now you know about my view of the 'Essence of Youth' . Do sit in contemplation and contemplate about what life means to you ... and what life is about . Who are you ? Where is your origin ? Why are you here ?

If you can answer these questions , you have already been self-realized .

My Way of Healing

Besides from meditation , I do know some simple ways of healing with energy and some Buddhist mantras that have healing qualities . Recently , I have a close friend whom I know for seven years and his mum had developed a certain kind of cancer . At first , the cancer was handled but the cancer had a relapsed . My friend came to me and asked me to heal her mum . Just in case someone might ask if she did consult a doctor or any modern medical treatment ...yes , she did and she is currently still undergoing modern medicine treatment .

My energy healing is considered as a supplimentary help . I would light a candle for her and chant some Buddhist mantras like the Medicine Buddha Mantra Heart Mantra , the Usnisa Vujaya Mantra Heart Mantra ... and other mantra and forward the merits of the chanting to her so she would have a good dose of good karma . I would send healing energy to cleanse her and I would locate the spirit entityor spirit fragment embbedded in her (if any) and remove it if possible .

Currently , I am still healing her . I hope that the healing would be a success and she would be well again .

Some of you may scoff and say :" Wake up from your own self-induced delusions ... " or something alike . All I can say is that I am doing what I can , and chip in some of my efforts to make her better and this is MY way of wishing her well ... by using what I know to help her . If there are those who want to scoff or deny , it's their own will and their own choice . I have my own ways and belief do you ...

I don't think you want people to force you or try to sway your will...

Anyway , the essence is , we all have our ways to help others and our own rights to help others as long as we don't hurt them .

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moving in two directions

I personally practise two kinds of spirituality . The first kind is the spirituality which you seek for the True Nature of the Mind and such a spirituality would be considered 'High Up' because you are seeking for that truth within . It is like as though I am climbing a ladder up wards to the True Nature . It is hard to put in words and as you observed from the way my words and sentences are phrased , I am really having a hard time bringing spirituality to mere human language . In short , when I seek the Nature of the Mind , I am climbing a ladder upwards .

The second type of spirituality I am practising is the Earth based spirituality . In common words, it is called Paganism . It helps to get one connected to Earth and that's why , it's called Earth Based . By practising Earth - based Paganism , you become closer in relation with Mother Earth . Practising Paganism in short , brings me grounded to Earth .

The more I practise the first kind of spirituality , which is finding my True Nature , the more I would be drawn downwards to the Earth . I hope you get the picture . I am trying to mean that , the more I go upwards to find my true nature ,the more I would yearn to be drawn back to the ground and the Earth to be grounded .

So what's the evidence of such a feeling to show that the more I seek my true nature , the more I am drawn down the ladder from mid heaven to the Earth ? Currently , my mind and heart could enter into the Void / Emptiness in meditation . Since I am moving closer to understanding the true nature , the more I want to be grounded . I feel like I want to go to a bank of a small , calm stream in a lonely woods and sit by the banks and observe nature and let myself be one with the Earth . Although I understand that all things are illusions and I should learn to be detached , my heart yearns to sink down to Earth and be close to Mother Earth .

The first spirituality option of climbing up the ladder allows me to work with energy with just pure thoughts and willpower and without the need of any tools or conventional restrain , but as my heart yearns for the Earth , I couldn't help but my heart still yearn to use tools from nature , like crystals and herbs ... to do workings of energy .

I would like to clarify about certain words above , before I end today's post . I do not mean that Paganism or Earth - based practises are 'Lowly' , just in case there's misunderstanding , and I don't mean that using tools shows that a person is weak or dependent . I do use some tools like mantras and paper talismans . I mean no offense for those who love Earth - based practises and those who love to use rituals and tools that these are lowly . No , these practises of Earth - based or the using of tools , especially from nature , are not lowly . In fact , I respect the use of these tools of nature and such Earth -based practise and I thought it is also pretty noble . And yes , I too occassionally use Earth - based practises and natural tools like water and herbals and stuff like these too in my practise ... and don't forget I mentioned above, my heart still yearns for the Earth ... lol ..

In the current state , whenever I move a up the ladder , my heart would yearn for the Earth. Even the simple practises of the Earth can be pretty impressive and powerful ...

I am moving upwards and downwards both directions ... As below ...

* Blessings *

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

There and Back again ...

Well , I have been busy with an entire of 2006. I an back with my bloggings . I have been keeping up with my daily meditations last year and I the effects I have are improved intuition . It doesn't mean that I know everything with heightened intuition . Ihavealso been practising mantra chanting almost daily since the start of last month and I feel the calming effects of the mantras .

For those who do not know much about me , I would just put myself in a simple term. A contemplative person . And as you can see , I am very interested in meditation and mantra chanting . Some may call it a Hippie practises . Well , these are more profound practises because if you have entered into the deep depths of silent meditation , you would understand how it feels . It is not the New Age Hippie Love for All and Free for all stuff . It is much more profound which is unexplainable in written languages. You have to try the meditations to experience the profound experiences of the Inner Self and the Nature of ourselves .

About the mantra chantings . Some would picture a person reciting incantations . It is partially correct but hey , it's a stereotypical view and stereotypical views can cause mental fixation to concepts which does not allow the mental mind of the person to become flexible . Mantras have profound effect on the Mind , Body and Spirit of the person . It is neither good mantra nor harmful . It is the intent of the user that drives the mantra . I may put up a post on how mantras can affect us .

But back topic of me returning to blog. It has been a long time . I hope I can blog often ... but I am not sure about that .