Saturday, October 29, 2005


Last night, my brother was sleeping with me on the bed. He can be quite irritating. He kept twisting and turning and I hardly could catch some sleep. Sometimes, he would stretch his hand and he would hit me. Everytime I push his hand back to him, he would repeat stretching. After sometimes, I got frustrated and decided not to allow him to sleep on my bed. I woke him up and sent him back to his room.

I felt better and got back bed and drifted to sleep after a short time.

During my sleep, I had some sneezes and was again awake. I decided to use some meditative technique to filter ether (akashic) energy from the dark energies around me (night time energy is dark) and I felt better and slept. I did not wake up until this morning. I was always amaze that the techniques worked.

I woke up feeling energized and felt that the ether energy have soothe the sneeze.

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