Hi, here I am, again talking about metaphysical subjects(my fav).This post,I will talk about Reiki and it's chinese characters , name and meaning . If you ever take a look at the word Rei in kanji , if I were to translate the Rei from kanji to Chinese character, it means ling in Chinese. Here the Chinese word for ling. Hope your computer can read and disply this word. 灵 。 Notice that the ling I type looks totally different from the kanji. The ling that I typed is in fan ti zi which means simplified Chinese . If I were to type ling into Chinese used by taiwan, it will look like 靈 or 霊. They will look more familiar and even exactly to those Rei in kanji. The japanese ki or chi is in taiwanese chinese aka jian ti zi or unsimpified chinese once used by Chinese before the simplified Chinese charceters were introduced The japanese kanji ki word is unsimplfied chinese. Here's the ki in unsimplified Chinese. 氣. It looks very alike those in kanji. To translate Reiki into Chinese will considering the translations of characters I mentioned above into Ling Qi.So Reiki in chinese means Ling Qi . ranslate Ling Qi into Chinese, it means spiritual qi or spiritual energy.Ling means spiritual and qi means energy. If you compare to the meaning and goal of the kanji Reiki and Chinese Ling Qi, they have the same goal and meanings.
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