Thursday, May 03, 2007

No Concept

According to Zen Buddhism , Hell and Heaven is but a single thought . The Hell and Heaven I refer to is not just the Hell and Heaven we see in religious books or scriptures , but Hell can be events like 911 , being backstabbed in your work or project ...any Hell like events to you . Heaven can also refer to visiting some remote island where you can enjoy your Holidays in peace ...etc .

From the above concept , I was wondering , what happened if a group of our ancestors strayed onto an island and developed into a unique race which even till this modern era , there isn't a single visit to them . They live a life where they aren't interfered by outsiders and on the island , everything is plentiful . There is no need to be wealthy since everything is provided by the jungle and is plenty and no one is short of anything . There is also very little concept of ownership... so it's more of a community then an individual and they have no concept of any whatso ever belief system .

Belief system first arises when Man need to find an explanation for natural events beyond their comprehension at their time and when they run into difficulties , they start to hav concepts of Belief system . What happen if this group of ancestors , still live in their own ways and their life were so comfortable and well supplied , they have nothing to be worried about and they have no concept of any belief at all . They just live life so comfortably , they have no concept of stealing , murder , sexual assaults and all the 'sins' in modern terms and since they have no 'sins' .. . they therefore have no such concepts of 'sins' .

Now , consider , what happen when they were to die or pass away , without any conception ...and they see death as a natural process . Would they go to Heaven or Hell ?

I would probably say that this lot of native people are very fortunate since they have such a peaceful life and are innocent to the concept of 'sins' , 'heaven' and 'hell' . I think they would neither go to Heaven nor Hell , since they don't even have a conept of Heaven or Hell . Maybe ... their spirits (I wonder if they have concepts of spirits) would just go to some alternate reality of their peaceful island where they can 'eternally' carry on the same lifestyle as they were alive .

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