Friday, May 18, 2007

Unorthodox ?

Ok , what is orthodox methods of practise (energy work , religion , science , philosophy,medicine...) ? If you look at the so called orthodx approach , aren't these orthodx approach , after all ...just an approach to do something ...or maybe , just a more commonly used practised or so called , 'norm' ?

Orthodox is no more than just a label . So what's unorthodox then ? If orthodox is the 'correct' way , then unorthodox is the 'wrong' way ? Nope . It's the dogmatic mindset and the persistant , rigid and stubborness of our limited and unenlightened view that differentiates orthodoxy and herectics .

Essentially , all paths are just paths . There is no orthodxy or unorthodox ways in the beginning . It's when the limited mindset of people , trying to relate to things and events , this is where they start to classify things and start giving labels .

(I don't mean that doing harm to others is encouraged . Contrary , I strongly dislike and disagree on harming of others .)

Although I practise my energy work and spirituality by mixing my experience and what I know and learned together , seldom sticking around and just walking on the path I feel comfortable , many would regard as unorthodox . I would like to defer and say that ...I am just walking my own path ... and that's all .

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