Sunday, September 02, 2007


Here I am ...back from a long absence from blogging. I am not blogging for the previous months because I have two course projects and a Major Project to handle including a End of Semester exam. That's a lot of stuff to handle and it keeps me busy.

Now the exams and projects are all over and it's a one month or more holiday, I have sufficient time to rant here as and when I wish.

I think I have come out with a new idea for the programming and development communities out there on the internet. Why don't we create an IdeasBank ? It is a database of ideas for programming and development. There are people who run out of ideas on what to program and create and I am one of these people who goes out of idea at the wrong time. With an idea database, you can store inspiriations, ideas and suggestions when the ideas arises and when you need them, all you do is to login and refer and search them. Others can also read through your ideas and use your ideas you posted there if you want but you can also set conditions on who can use your ideas or some sort of access restrictions and terms and conditions on using the ideas so to prevent others from using your ideas if they happen to.

Hmmm...I think this idea is something worthy but I need to find some willing sponsors to sponsor a free web hosting together with a database hosting and Java servlets and JSP page hosting for free as I don't really have the financial resources to get any expansive hostings and the site should be protected from general intrusions and good security too.

I would rant more later :) ...

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