Saturday, September 15, 2007

My view on vegan and vegetarian practise

The amount of vegans and vegetarians have been growing as the years pass. Some vegans and vegetarians restrict their diets for health reasons or for a healthy lifestyle which it has claimed to work. There are also vegans and vegetarians who restrict their diets for religious practises. Some occult , newage or magickal traditions practise vegan or vegetarianism in order not to kill lifes and also to collect good karma .

I personally felt that as long as you live, you are sure to kill something. The bacterials in the air when you breathe in, when you walk, you may accidentally kill some small insects and even microscopic organism. When you drink water, you kill the micro organism in the water. When you sit, you are also killing micro organism on the chair. Whatever you do, you kill something.

Vegetables contain living organism and vegetable has life of it's own that's why it can grow and some experiements have proven that plants and vegetables have the ability to feel emotions. In order to harvest a vegetable or to plan it, many insects are killed when the plough hits the grow or when insecticides are used. Forest have to be cleared for land to plant the vegetables and animals maybe killed in the process of clearing the forest to make farming lands. Flour are made from plants like rice and these plants, as I have mentioned above, can grow and can feel. Plants thus have consciousness in short and the ability to live. Isn't eating vegetables or plants as good as killing animals ? I personally felt that there's no difference between vegans or vegetarians or those who eat meat. They still kill, which they have always been trying to avoid. If you don't want to kill, then it's as good as not existing on Earth because existing means that you have to eat at certain time, you have to walk and drink which kills organism ... and many more examples too long to be listed here.

I personally don't see why there are rules for vegans or vegetarianism when it's also killing ? Does vegetarian diet really bring that "purity" which have been promised in religions or occult or magickal practises ?

I felt that such practises are for comforting the mind and only that.

This is my personal view of vegans and vegetarians in religious or occult or magickal practises.

This post DOES NOT seek to offend or insult any religious organizations, cult groups, magickal practises or vegans or vegetarians in any way other than me trying to express my view.

1 comment:

SatSetsaRA said...

To me, it boils down to self awairness and medical research. Meat is just bad for you, you got 10lbs of it rolling around in your colon undigested (gross) and what ever chemicals are pumped into said animal .. they are now yours.

it also increases anger blah blah well do the research if you honestly care, Im not gonna spiew out anymore than that.

Now toward that self awairness thing. If it is awair that is is alive... and it crawls and scoots around of its own volition and especially if it has eyes....

Im not eating it.

However, if someone buys me food and forgets that I perfer not to eat it... I will do so. If they intentionall get me meaty food knowing that I eat what is given... I will just give it to my son and not eat.... make sence?