Last night, my brother was sleeping with me on the bed. He can be quite irritating. He kept twisting and turning and I hardly could catch some sleep. Sometimes, he would stretch his hand and he would hit me. Everytime I push his hand back to him, he would repeat stretching. After sometimes, I got frustrated and decided not to allow him to sleep on my bed. I woke him up and sent him back to his room.
I felt better and got back bed and drifted to sleep after a short time.
During my sleep, I had some sneezes and was again awake. I decided to use some meditative technique to filter ether (akashic) energy from the dark energies around me (night time energy is dark) and I felt better and slept. I did not wake up until this morning. I was always amaze that the techniques worked.
I woke up feeling energized and felt that the ether energy have soothe the sneeze.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
My room is messed !
Oh no, my younger bro messed my room up . He emptied his junk into my room while he "reserved" his room for his mini movie making. hat is totally irresponsible.
Though he wanna move in, he should at least pack up and arrange his belongings in order instead of the mess he created in my room.
He too wanna move into my room to sleep with me ! Imagine the mess he would further stir up.
That boy's totally stubborn, irresponsible, messy, rebellious, unorderly, disobedient and overly arrogant.
Have to teach him a lesson.
The worse is that my parents all side him.
Though he wanna move in, he should at least pack up and arrange his belongings in order instead of the mess he created in my room.
He too wanna move into my room to sleep with me ! Imagine the mess he would further stir up.
That boy's totally stubborn, irresponsible, messy, rebellious, unorderly, disobedient and overly arrogant.
Have to teach him a lesson.
The worse is that my parents all side him.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Logical or Illogical
I have seen endless quarrels and debates on topics where people classify things whether they are logical or not. Here's some interesting finding. I notice that something logical to someone can be illogical to another and vice versa.
Let me look for an example....Ah ha...Found it. I am currently studying for my Diploma in IT so I would post a question concerning my field. Use computer maths to calculate 1+1 (in binary) . Many would say that 1+1=2 ,but in binary format, 1+1=0 carry 1. Logical? many would say that that 0 carry 1 is totally illogical but hey, in computer maths in binary format, 1+1=0 carry 1 and that is logical.
To conclude, logical or not, it depends on each individual and how they process the situation.It is best to remain neutral but it is tough to be neutral. Anyway, just don't quickly jump into conclusion. Who knows that the illogical is actually logical but because of one's ignorance and lack of knowledge that causes one to see and jump to conclusion hastily.
Let me look for an example....Ah ha...Found it. I am currently studying for my Diploma in IT so I would post a question concerning my field. Use computer maths to calculate 1+1 (in binary) . Many would say that 1+1=2 ,but in binary format, 1+1=0 carry 1. Logical? many would say that that 0 carry 1 is totally illogical but hey, in computer maths in binary format, 1+1=0 carry 1 and that is logical.
To conclude, logical or not, it depends on each individual and how they process the situation.It is best to remain neutral but it is tough to be neutral. Anyway, just don't quickly jump into conclusion. Who knows that the illogical is actually logical but because of one's ignorance and lack of knowledge that causes one to see and jump to conclusion hastily.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Principles of War ( How to wage a war)
Recently I was reading Sun Zi's and Sun Bin's Art of War. I have been reading these two military classics over and over again for many times and I am always impressed by the two military classics everytime.
In Sun Bin's Art of War , it mentions that war should be waged when the reasons are justified and true and not to wage war wantonly. War is a matter of life and death, survival or ruin of the states and country involved. So don't foolishly rush to declare war just because for some stupid and unjustified reasons.
War can be declared and fought if you are under attack of an enemy. ou can repel the enemy or even destroy the enemy by destroying it's core system.War can also be fought against rebels and separationists.
Some times war have to be fought but most war in our history were foolishly waged. The two world wars should never have broken if the Art of war were thoroughly understood and life wouldn't have lost.
As I observe the politics and actions taken between Taiwan and China, I think that if Taiwan were to seperate from Chinese main land and China were to attack, the war can be justified as trying to claim back land and stop seperation.
Imagine a part of the States were to declare seperating from the main land, I guess the mainland would try and recover the seperated part even if it meant war.
Try to imagine a child trying to seperate from his/her mum.
I think that if Taiwan were to buy arms from US and US were to try to sell ams and help Taiwan, it would worsen the relationship between Taiwan and China and US maybe considered a threat too.
Imagine the US as a friend of Taiwan teaching Taiwan and supplying Taiwan with weapons to seperate from it's mum.
Anyway, this is my point of view. each have our own views.
In Sun Bin's Art of War , it mentions that war should be waged when the reasons are justified and true and not to wage war wantonly. War is a matter of life and death, survival or ruin of the states and country involved. So don't foolishly rush to declare war just because for some stupid and unjustified reasons.
War can be declared and fought if you are under attack of an enemy. ou can repel the enemy or even destroy the enemy by destroying it's core system.War can also be fought against rebels and separationists.
Some times war have to be fought but most war in our history were foolishly waged. The two world wars should never have broken if the Art of war were thoroughly understood and life wouldn't have lost.
As I observe the politics and actions taken between Taiwan and China, I think that if Taiwan were to seperate from Chinese main land and China were to attack, the war can be justified as trying to claim back land and stop seperation.
Imagine a part of the States were to declare seperating from the main land, I guess the mainland would try and recover the seperated part even if it meant war.
Try to imagine a child trying to seperate from his/her mum.
I think that if Taiwan were to buy arms from US and US were to try to sell ams and help Taiwan, it would worsen the relationship between Taiwan and China and US maybe considered a threat too.
Imagine the US as a friend of Taiwan teaching Taiwan and supplying Taiwan with weapons to seperate from it's mum.
Anyway, this is my point of view. each have our own views.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Meaning and name of Reiki in Chinese

Hi, here I am, again talking about metaphysical subjects(my fav).This post,I will talk about Reiki and it's chinese characters , name and meaning . If you ever take a look at the word Rei in kanji , if I were to translate the Rei from kanji to Chinese character, it means ling in Chinese. Here the Chinese word for ling. Hope your computer can read and disply this word. 灵 。 Notice that the ling I type looks totally different from the kanji. The ling that I typed is in fan ti zi which means simplified Chinese . If I were to type ling into Chinese used by taiwan, it will look like 靈 or 霊. They will look more familiar and even exactly to those Rei in kanji. The japanese ki or chi is in taiwanese chinese aka jian ti zi or unsimpified chinese once used by Chinese before the simplified Chinese charceters were introduced The japanese kanji ki word is unsimplfied chinese. Here's the ki in unsimplified Chinese. 氣. It looks very alike those in kanji. To translate Reiki into Chinese will considering the translations of characters I mentioned above into Ling Qi.So Reiki in chinese means Ling Qi . ranslate Ling Qi into Chinese, it means spiritual qi or spiritual energy.Ling means spiritual and qi means energy. If you compare to the meaning and goal of the kanji Reiki and Chinese Ling Qi, they have the same goal and meanings.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Similar and Difference : a thin line

Hi readers. I would like to touch on the topic of similar and differences. Humans and animals have always egoistically judged each other by their differences more then their similarity. It is indeed a very saddening news. Although all of us are unique (even twins), we are similar in certain way.
Human's difference are indeed interesting. we judge each other and classify each other which helps us to easily recognize each other but why not we use more of our similarity this time.
So many wars and battles have been fought, so many blood have been used because of our differences. any of these battles could have been easily prevented if each side were to take a step back and give way and use their similarity to work together.
Nowadays, if we are different, we can be sometimes badly classified by the society. Some of the worse classification and "splits" in humanity is homosexuality. They call each other a gay or lesbian and hatred have been shown to them. Although I am not a gay or lesbian but I sympathise them. Poor thing. So call the other as coward and there are many examples of differences leading to destruction.
Why not humans see each other using the eyes of wisdom, understanding and compassion. Why not stop differentiating because all you get to is either trouble or you might get nowhere better.
As my title suggest, similarity and differences are just a thin line. hat thin line is a thought process. It is only a step between differences and similarity. Why not take that step and crossover differences and see each other in the eyes of similarity so that peace and harmony can be restored upon this battered Earth.
I wrote this article because last night, I dreamt of a dream. In the dream, because of my difference, my brother labbled me abnormal because of the differences.Although this is only a dream. I felt the need to express myself and I would like to thank the dream for such an inspiratiom.
Actually, I have been classified by many people, including my own mum. She labbled me because of my hobby. All my hobbies are indoors type like art is one of my favourite hobby.She labbled me as abnormal because most kids would go out and run and play games like basketball, soccer...etc...all the outdoor games but I am always in the house drawing or doing my indoor hobbies.
By writing this article , I hope people will cease differentiating each other and instead, shown compassion and kindness to others no matter how different they are or their ideas .
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I am a person who likes things to be simple and easy and also to be sweet. Sometimes simplicity in matter can be come so complex that our brain find it difficukt to process. As I always like to say, think like a baby , use simplicity. Sometimes the answers are right in front of our eyes and yet we keep twisting and turning around hastily to search for the answers. Simplicity can be come complex and complexity arises from simplicity.
In battles, simple battle plans can sometimes win complex tactic because the tactic is so confusing that even the Commander and soldiers get confused.
Although simplicity has many good points, but simplicity have to evolev to complexity to deal with certain problems but nevertheless, I still prefer simplicity.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Those who read my blogs will notice the type of person I am. I am vey into philosophy. My favourite philosophy is Zen. Many will look at Zen as some way to use in battle of the mouths, some think that Zen is impractical and some even can go to the extend of thinking that Zen is total rubbish with no truth . I on the other hand appreciate Zen . I experienced the state of Zen before for only a short moment during meditation. The state is as thoguh you melt together with everything and you are one with all things and all things are one with you. That is a rare and very pleasent experience.
Anyway, I am not promoting Zen but just stating my feelings.
Anyway, I am not promoting Zen but just stating my feelings.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
The only Evil
The only evil is not that devil or his demons and ghosts but is Ignorance.Through ignorance , mistakes and follies are committed. All crime are born out of ignorance in a certain way. I can't elaborate all of he ways but I can elaborate one which is so common. It is lying. How many of you have not lied. Everyone sure is going to lie somehow. We aare asked a question and when we are ignorant t the consequences, we lie in the case of the example. Anyway, we find somethings to be our scapegoat like th devil to take the blames of our misfortune and mistakes but why not consider again, look at the situaion, most fault originates from ourselves, ignorance in one matter can cause great errors.Stop blaming others for the root of misfortune mostly originates from ourselves and the greatest evil and one evil is indeed our ignorance of matters.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Hi , all readers, again we meet. Wow, what a hot weather this summer, as usual but it is hotter than the rest of the past years.Phew, it's quite warm even while I am typing the post.It's still quite warm when I switched on my fan to speed number two. Let me try three. Feels a bit better but still, warm. In case you are wondering I am having a fever or not, no, normal temperature. Still healthy and well.
I would like to imagine switching off the fan. I guess I would be roasted.
while I was returning to my grandmother's house from the Polytechnic(Tertiary School), I can feel the intensity of the heat and the glaring sun. It makes you think that you are going to be burned if you stay in the open for a while longer.
Anyway, thanks for reading. Here I end this message.
I would like to imagine switching off the fan. I guess I would be roasted.
while I was returning to my grandmother's house from the Polytechnic(Tertiary School), I can feel the intensity of the heat and the glaring sun. It makes you think that you are going to be burned if you stay in the open for a while longer.
Anyway, thanks for reading. Here I end this message.
Blessed Be
Merry Part
Friday, August 12, 2005
Hi, again, I speak.Firstly, I have to say that I have indeed lots of things to do though most of the times, I have postponed what I wanna do. I hope I could gather myself together and do what I wanna do and achieve my goals but I have many obstacles.
This days, many are be spiritually conscious and some decided to sit on the fence so they will not be "dragged in" by any religion. I observed thatthough many people beceom more spiritually aware, I also noticed that there are a large portion moving to a "neutral area" where they will not involve themselves in religious matters but mix and match religious ad spiritual stuff to form their own path and spirtuality. If the path is used to gain widom and not used in any unacceptable way, it will be excellent.
There are many people entering Goddess religions, witchcraft, Wicca, Shamanism, Druidry,Paganism and other native or Earth based religion. If those who enter this religion entes not fo selfish or evil aims, but used what they learn for good, that is excellent.
There are many paths,spirituality and religions that are quick to judge others and other religions,paths and spirituality. These judgemental paths, religions and spirituality should stop all these judgements if they do not want to be judged by others and they should reflect sincerely on how they treat others. They should learn to be open minded, compassionate to all beings and not being biased to each other.
I have a few religions that I like. the are Wicca (Paganism) and Buddhism (Zen). I was brought up in a family that follows both Taoism and Buddhism. Wicca talks about the duality in nature and about the many wisdom in nature itself.Wicca tolerates all religions and is not judgemetal. Wiccans view all things as sacred and including everyone.By holding the view that everything is sacred in mind, we tend to be aware of what we do so trying to lessen any harmful effect each action and thougt we have.
Zen is actually not a religion. Zen is actually a state of mind, a state of spirituality and a style of livng which views that the true nature of everything is emptiness.There is no extremes in Zen. Everything is equal. It is profound but if you grasp the basic well, you can move on.Zen is actually not a religion.
So if you decide not to go on any path, move to the meadows but it is you who decide.
This days, many are be spiritually conscious and some decided to sit on the fence so they will not be "dragged in" by any religion. I observed thatthough many people beceom more spiritually aware, I also noticed that there are a large portion moving to a "neutral area" where they will not involve themselves in religious matters but mix and match religious ad spiritual stuff to form their own path and spirtuality. If the path is used to gain widom and not used in any unacceptable way, it will be excellent.
There are many people entering Goddess religions, witchcraft, Wicca, Shamanism, Druidry,Paganism and other native or Earth based religion. If those who enter this religion entes not fo selfish or evil aims, but used what they learn for good, that is excellent.
There are many paths,spirituality and religions that are quick to judge others and other religions,paths and spirituality. These judgemental paths, religions and spirituality should stop all these judgements if they do not want to be judged by others and they should reflect sincerely on how they treat others. They should learn to be open minded, compassionate to all beings and not being biased to each other.
I have a few religions that I like. the are Wicca (Paganism) and Buddhism (Zen). I was brought up in a family that follows both Taoism and Buddhism. Wicca talks about the duality in nature and about the many wisdom in nature itself.Wicca tolerates all religions and is not judgemetal. Wiccans view all things as sacred and including everyone.By holding the view that everything is sacred in mind, we tend to be aware of what we do so trying to lessen any harmful effect each action and thougt we have.
Zen is actually not a religion. Zen is actually a state of mind, a state of spirituality and a style of livng which views that the true nature of everything is emptiness.There is no extremes in Zen. Everything is equal. It is profound but if you grasp the basic well, you can move on.Zen is actually not a religion.
So if you decide not to go on any path, move to the meadows but it is you who decide.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
we have not seen each other for a long time since the previous blog.Time is moving really faster and faster these days bu I notice that if you are not clinging to either the past,present or future ad be just who you are at that moment, tere is a feeling of timelessness , spacelessness and bliss and also a sudden realization and knowingness of things.I kinda slip into such situation at the most unexpected moment.
I meditate but most of the time, I just don't slip into that blissful state. Well, things don't always seem to be as it is. Everything can be very unpredictable and sudden and wild.You may not kno what's going to happen next. I guess I have asightly improved intuition than I have in the pass because through meditaion, I learn to let go of myself which help me to access my intuition.I a no expert at predicting jus in cae you might think so and I am certainly not showing off nor promoting meditation because of it's effect. These are prsona stuff and experiences that I would like to share.
I guess I have to let go then can I achieve the blissful state.
Well, I guess that's all I wanna say .But, before I leave, here's a thing I wanna give you.I hope it works.If it does not, well then to bad. You only receive this gifts if you are meant to have it.Any way, no harm trying right. who knows what you might get.
Close your eyes.Now in your minds eye, see a landscape, a beautiful land with such bliss . Walk around and enjoy yourself. Smell the fragrance of the flowers and touch the silky leaves . Now you may come to a great tree. The "sheperd" of the area. That's the "king" in this land. Sit below it shades and enjoy yourself .Put your palms against the tree an feel the flow and exchange of energy between you and the tree It may talk to you, show you visions and give you gifts (not really of physical ) but nevertheless, they are powerful when properly used.
Here, I end this message.
we have not seen each other for a long time since the previous blog.Time is moving really faster and faster these days bu I notice that if you are not clinging to either the past,present or future ad be just who you are at that moment, tere is a feeling of timelessness , spacelessness and bliss and also a sudden realization and knowingness of things.I kinda slip into such situation at the most unexpected moment.
I meditate but most of the time, I just don't slip into that blissful state. Well, things don't always seem to be as it is. Everything can be very unpredictable and sudden and wild.You may not kno what's going to happen next. I guess I have asightly improved intuition than I have in the pass because through meditaion, I learn to let go of myself which help me to access my intuition.I a no expert at predicting jus in cae you might think so and I am certainly not showing off nor promoting meditation because of it's effect. These are prsona stuff and experiences that I would like to share.
I guess I have to let go then can I achieve the blissful state.
Well, I guess that's all I wanna say .But, before I leave, here's a thing I wanna give you.I hope it works.If it does not, well then to bad. You only receive this gifts if you are meant to have it.Any way, no harm trying right. who knows what you might get.
Close your eyes.Now in your minds eye, see a landscape, a beautiful land with such bliss . Walk around and enjoy yourself. Smell the fragrance of the flowers and touch the silky leaves . Now you may come to a great tree. The "sheperd" of the area. That's the "king" in this land. Sit below it shades and enjoy yourself .Put your palms against the tree an feel the flow and exchange of energy between you and the tree It may talk to you, show you visions and give you gifts (not really of physical ) but nevertheless, they are powerful when properly used.
Here, I end this message.
Blessed Be
Merry Part for now.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Pissed !
Argh...Today my temper is quite volatile and I am quite pissed today. Sigh...When you asked someone to stop doing this and that and he goes on and still ignore nd still act cocky and like a kow how it feels. Suck to the core.How abt whn som one threaten you that since you are using this or eatin that that "belongs" to him and he threatens you that if you don't do as he say (do things you can't do at tat moment or you don't like to do) he will take away this and that, how would yu feel. How would you feel when your younger bro disobey you . I rather go for a midnight walk with MJ or just go out with MJ rathr than stuck at home seeing all these idiotic thing happening.
I don't knw why but I feel very volatile today...very VOLATILE. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope I recover from all these soon.
I don't knw why but I feel very volatile today...very VOLATILE. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope I recover from all these soon.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Welcome All,
I am Thotheolh.Welcome to my blog.Take a deep breathe and prepare to plunge into the depths of the Great Lake.
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